Our Top Tips for Creating Shareable Content
Serious question! What's the point of creating content if it doesn't get seen?
The truth is, especially for business owners, creating “shareable” content should be a top priority when it comes to your content marketing strategy.
It's business owner math!
The more people who see your content = The more people who will want to work with you.
It's a result worth striving towards. But, how do you make that happen?
Of course, you can't FORCE people to hit that share button. But you CAN use indirect ways to guide people towards spreading the gospel of your biz.
Here are our top four tips for creating content that people will be more likely to share:
Make it relatable or funny
How many times have you seen something online and thought, that’s reminds me of _____? People like sharing things they can relate to, that spark nostalgia, or that make them laugh. And when you create content like that, your audience get to know you a little better too.
Stay true to who you are
People are naturally drawn to those who are unapologetically themselves. Think of those like Cardi B or Greta Ginsberg who are loud and proud about who they are and what they do. That type of energy is contagious and consumers find it easy to share that type of content with others.
Remember your audience
Keep your audience top of mind when creating any content. Think about who they are, what they’re going through, and what they like to see/ talk about. The more specific you get on your target, the easier it will be to cater to them. They’ll feel connected to you and more inclined to share your content.
Just ask
Closed mouths don’t get fed. Of course, we have mixed feelings on cold calls and requests, but if you have been developing relationships and nurturing your audience, they’ll be more willing to help you out and spread the word!
Which tip do you want to start implementing now? How do you create sharable content?
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